How do I know if a tornado is forming?

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Do tornadoes happen in other parts of the world?

How do I know if a tornado is forming?

Tornadoes may occur at any time of the year and are not limited to geographic area – twisters have occurred in every state in the country. Tornadoes occur most frequently during the spring and summer months east of the Rocky Mountains or from March through May in the southern states. The peak tornado season in the northern states is usually late spring and early summer.
Dark clouds, hail and winds are usually signs that a tornado might possibly be forming. They usually occur near the trailing edge of a thunderstorm and it's not unusual to see clear, sunny skies behind a tornado.



6/1/2007 5:55:38 PM
Felicia said:

This is great help...I'm only 12 years old, but my dream is to be a meteorologist and to chase tornadoes...I've never seen a tornado, except for online, but I would love to. Tornadoes are a passion for me and I just think it's thrilling to see them online...I can't imagine what it would be like to be there on the scene and feeling the wrath of these Beautiful Disasters.

1/3/2012 9:12:26 AM
alisha said:

wow tornadoes really are beautiful disasters me and you felicia really have things in common !


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