March 22, 2002, Newsletter Issue #8: ENSO

Tip of the Week

ENSO is the term currently used by scientists to describe the full range of the Southern Oscillation that includes both SST increases (a warming) as well as SST decreases (a cooling) when compared to a long-term average. It has sometimes been used by scientists to relate only to the broader view of El Niņo or the warm events, the warming of SSTs in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. The acronym, ENSO, is composed of El Niņo-Southern Oscillation, where El Niņo is the oceanic component and the Southern Oscillation is the atmospheric component of the phenomenon. The broader definition of El Niņo has sometimes been used interchangeably with ENSO, because ENSO is less well known in the popular electronic and printed media.

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